Bench & Bar Dinner
2024 Fall Opening of the Courts
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Community Gallery, Museum London
421 Ridout Street
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Please join us for the 196th Fall Opening of the Courts Bench & Bar Dinner in the Community Gallery at 7:00 p.m. (following the ceremony and reception). Capacity 250.
Attendees who are part of the procession are welcome to change out of their robes for the bench and bar dinner. Attire for those only attending the reception and/or dinner is dressy casual.
*You will need to register separately for the ceremony and/or reception portions of the event. Link is just below.
Opening of the Courts Ceremony & Reception
We look forward to celebrating with you on September 24th!
For more information, please contact the MLA's Executive Director, Tracy Fawdry at
Terms & Conditions: By registering for this event, I acknowledge that my email address will be used to communicate with me about this event, which will be facilitated by the Middlesex Law Association.
Refund Policy: There will be no cancellations or refunds available after the September 18th deadline. Pending registrations must be paid/completed by September 18th as well.
Registration: Register online then payment can be made online, via e-transfer, or by cheque. If paying by e-transfer, please e-transfer the total amount above to using the security code: CPDOTC2024 (case sensitive). If you have trouble with the e-transfer, please email us.
Accessibility: If you have any accessibility requirements, please let us know and we will accommodate you.