Hosted by:
With the support of:
The MLA Board of Trustees is hosting a Bencher Forum for LSO Bencher candidates running in the Southwest region. We hope you'll join us in this important election engagement opportunity. A tightly moderated session with candidate platforms and a Q&A session are planned. The meeting will be on Zoom starting at 4:30pm.
Confirmed candidates (9 of 11 invitations offered):
Lisa D.S. Bildy, Rod Catford, Gerard Charette, Jacqueline Horvat, Karen Hulan, Jasminka Kalajdzic, Greg Monforton, Kevin L. Ross, Matthew Wilson
The Forum Q&A will focus on the priority topics identified by FOLA's election advocacy, including:
Send us your questions!
Additional questions you would like addressed by the candidates should be sent to We will do our best to present all pre-submitted questions to the candidates, however, they will be prioritized based on both prevalence and available time.
*To add to your research, please also review the Southwest candidate profiles in the April edition of the MLA's Snail newsletter.
This forum is accredited for 60 minutes of professionalism content.
Sincere thanks to all candidates who agreed to participate in our newsletter offer and in this forum.